Sunday, February 11, 2018



I have never trusted the posted weights of knives from the internet. I have weighed some of my collection and put them in this chart. I still need to add a lot more, I'll get to it eventually. Some of them have multiple weights. This is because I weighed multiple of the same blade just to give you a better idea of how things were done by hand back in the day and how much variation it caused. 

The other charts are the reported weights from the internet, old ads, and the Bladeforums database. I have found a few different ads that report different weights for the same blades. I included all the reported weights if there were multiple. It really creates a distrust when you see get the weight of a bk2 from the KaBar website as 16oz and really it's 14.8oz. Yes, I know I'm crazy, its only a 1.2oz difference, but still a difference nonetheless. 

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