Sunday, March 25, 2018

Checklist Database.

Thought it might be a good idea to make a more concise list of every model in the database. Think of it as more of a checklist database instead of my commentary on all of them. Might need to click on the photos to make them larger.

Standard Production List

Advanced Production List
*Updated to include the BK98, BK2FDE, and the BK62*

*No prototypes are included in these lists. 

1 The denotes that this model was in regular production, but ended up being discontinued. 

2 Bk7SP “SP” means Small Pommel. This refers to the fact that the first Becker knife to get the added pommel was the Bk7 from Camillus and the early ones have a smaller then normal pommel. 

3 “Smooth Early Stamp” refers to the very first run of the Bk2, Bk3, Bk7, and Bk9 from KaBar where the “Bk-x” stamp was located further back almost touching the handles. 

4 This denotes that this blade was a limited production run.

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