Saturday, June 15, 2019

Laserlyte TacTool Bayonet

Short post time.

So back in the earlier days of the Kabar-Becker era Laserlyte licensed some Kabar blade designs to use on one of their new products... pistol bayonets. While I can't say I have a lot of personal insight into the market of pistol bayonets, and frankly I'm basically still very confused as to why there is even a market for pistol bayonets, I've come around to just label these as novelties. 

Just know: to anyone who thinks these are not novelties, I think less of you. 

So anyway, why am I talking about this here on the blog? Well, because one of the licensed blade designs was the Becker bk3 TacTool. 

Now I really don't get this. If a bayonet's job is to stab someone, why on earth would you want a chisel ground, pry bar tipped blade for a bayonet. You are certainly not going to pull out your Glock and try to pry open anything. So what's the point? 

Thats it, all done, very short (and minor) Becker history lesson.