Saturday, October 6, 2018

Becker BK62! *UPDATED*


Ok so we now know this not a limited release it will be a standard production model and the scales are indeed walnut.

Also, pre-order is available now from several dealers. (I recommend Tomars). If you dont get one from the first batch the next batch wont be coming until after the new year. So get on it if its going to be a Christmas gift!

Here are some threads from Bladeforums you should check out.

The Kephart is here!

First Run of BK62's

Beckerhead Camping and Woodcraft Reviews....

Here is the BK62 video Kabar made at Ethan's

Finally the cat is out of the bag at Blade Show West! Ethan has had me sworn to secrecy for too long now! The long awaited Becker-Kephart is now confirmed!

Photos thanks to Bladeforums member Jonny1280! Here is the link to Jonny's thread on BF

Still not sure if this will be a limited release from the Kabar custom shop State & Union like the bk98 was. Hopefully this is a full production model. Or perhaps this version with the woods scales, clear coated 1095, and leather sheath will be the custom shop version followed by a standard black coated, laser etch, with ultrimid handle scales as the regular model?

If I remember what Ethan told me correctly, these wood scales on the bk62 should be walnut. The original Kephart scales were walnut and he wanted it to be the same on the Kabar model.

No official release date yet, but please don't bug Kabar about it.